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Articles on Marriage

Who’s The Best of the Three?

The first man Adam was a Mr. Steady. A Mr. Steady/Priestly Man wants peace, and he wants to give tender favor and emotional support to his wife, even when it would be wiser to (...)

Mr. Command (King – God the Father)

My daddy was a Mr. Command Man. He was so much so that he teetered on selfish. When he walked in the door at 5 PM after being at work he assumed a home-cooked dinner would be (...)

Mr. Steady (Priest – Jesus)

by Jeff Vowell Since I am new to these pages, it behooves me to introduce myself. My name is Jeff Vowell. Debi and Mike often refer to me as Jeffro, a nickname from 50 years ago (...)

Mr. Visionary (Prophet – Holy Spirit)

This morning I was reading in the book of Joshua where Israel was going to fight against Ai.Joshua sent a couple of guys out to spy on Ai and see how big the city was, how many (...)

Saying No | What Are Your Rights As A Spouse...

Saying “No” and Meaning It In her book Created to Be His Help Meet, Deb did a great job of presenting the biblical role of a wife. Thousands of women testify to having transformed (...)

What Are Your Rights As A Spouse?

What are your rights as a spouse? Answer: All the rights of a human being.You did not forfeit any of your human rights when you married. Your God-endowed humanity is unalienable (...)

Simple Wisdom

Over the course of my long life, I have watched and noticed that those who are easily offended do not do well in life—emotionally, physically, or spiritually. Sometimes the wear a (...)

It’s Worth It

I monitor the Helmeet site on Facebook, so I read many stories from women who were sexually or physically abused in their youth. It is part of my history as well. I could have (...)

My Story

In the Bible, we find many stories of God’s people being put through fiery trials. Job, Abraham, David, Jeremiah, Daniel, and even Samson are a few that come to mind. Once they e (...)

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